Spring Sale now live at DuneBuggyWarehouse!
Filter BySpring Savings now live on DuneBuggyWarehouse!
SAVE an additional 6% off using discount coupon code: SPRINGSALE only available on DuneBuggyWarehouse.com
This includes all product lines but is only valid for a limited time.
Check out hundreds of new in stock items under our NEW section!
Taylor Cable plug wires for Type 1
DuneBuggyWarehouse is proud to be one of the largest suppliers of Taylor Cable products. Quality, affordable custom made spark plug wires for your Aircooled Beetle, Dune Buggy, Baja Bug, and more. Lots of colors and applications for stock, street, mild, and race!
DCM Restoration Parts & Accessories
Looking for quality accessories to finish off your show car? Check out our new DCM line of parts! Now stocking horn grills, door handles and pulls, window cranks, dash and shifter knobs, hub cap pullers, hood crests and more. These fine accessories are sure to help your ride stand out.